‘Walking On A Flashlight Beam’, le nouvel album de LUNATIC SOUL, projet solo de Mariusz Duda, chanteur et leader du groupe RIVERSIDE, est sorti en octobre.
Le clip officiel de The Fear Within :
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Mariusz Duda : “Walking On A Flashlight Beam” – the title indicates living in a world of imagination, in a place that’s made up and unreal. You can have your head in the clouds,you can chase after rainbows so you can walk on a flashlight beam too. It’s a story about choosing to be alone, inspired by the life of people who were completely alienated and withdrawn from social life, who shunned all interactions with the outside world. It’s about people who, even on a bright and sunny day, have the curtains drawn and the blinds closed in their rooms. Such people are usually surrounded by books, films, games, figments of other people’s imagination. I’ve written about solitude and living in a world of fiction before in Riverside’s lyrics but now I’ve decided to write a whole album about it.”
“These are very dark and intense compositions but very melodious too. I think it’s one of the best things I’ve ever written, if not the best one”.