ENGINEERS : A Million Voices

ENGINEERS va sortir le 19 janvier 2015 le titre ‘A Million Voices’, extrait de son dernier album ‘Always Returning’ publié en août 2014 chez Kscope.

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« Engineers have announced that they will be releasing the track ‘A Million Voices’ taken from their recently released, fourth album, Always Returning on 19th January.

Engineers’ Mark Peters explained that the song was written in 2010 just after Andrew Sweeney and Daniel Macbean left the band – he explains “the subject was still a bit too raw to include the song on our ‘In Praise of More’ album but after time I felt like finishing it and everything has turned out ok in a cheesey pre-xmas kind of way, as although I’ve spoken to them on & off since, recently I’ve seen quite a bit more of them and we have had a few good nights out together.  So the release has an interesting full circle type feeling to it in some ways”

Due to be released as both a 7” vinyl and as a digital single that features the additional track ‘One Possible Ending’ a song that Mark says is “a track from the sessions of the Always Returning album but it was written about 15 years ago inspired by a road trip in the Mojave desert with some friends (amongst one of which was Dan Macbean, ex guitarist with Engineers) where we listened to our favourite ambient music, soaked up the scenery and became inspired to start the band! I wanted to record the track for years as a sort of tribute to that trip but didn’t feel my production skills where as good in that area as the tracks we listened to … I still don’t 100% but they are getting better and the track strongly reminds me of that time when I listen to it so it feels successful on that level!”

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