Chris Squire, membre historique de YES, est décédé le 28/06/15 à l’âge de 67 ans. Il avait récemment révélé être atteint d’une leucémie érythroïde aigüe (AEL). Il devait être soigné dans sa ville de résidence Phoenix.
Chris Squire est né à Londres en 1948. Il est l’un des membres fondateurs de YES en 1968 avec Jon Anderson.
La tournée de YES avec TOTO qui démarrera le 7 août sera la première du groupe sans la participation du bassiste.
Extrait de
« It’s with the heaviest of hearts and unbearable sadness that we must inform you of the passing of our dear friend and Yes co-founder, Chris Squire. Chris peacefully passed away last night in Phoenix Arizona.
For the entirety of Yes’ existence, Chris was the band’s linchpin and, in so many ways, the glue that held it together over all these years. Because of his phenomenal bass-playing prowess, Chris influenced countless bassists around the world, including many of today’s well-known artists. Chris was also a fantastic songwriter, having written and co-written much of Yes’ most endearing music, as well as his solo album, Fish Out of Water.
Outside of Yes, Chris was a loving h usband to Scotty and father to Carmen, Chandrika, Camille, Cameron, and Xilan. With his gentle, easy-going nature, Chris was a great friend of many … including each of us. But he wasn’t merely our friend: he was also part of our family and we shall forever love and miss him. »