Andy Poole quitte BIG BIG TRAIN

Andy Poole quitte BIG BIG TRAIN.

Le message publié sur le site du groupe de Rock Progressif britannique est le suivant :


Andy Poole will shortly be leaving Big Big Train.

Big Big Train would like to thank Andy for the significant part he has played in the band’s journey and we wish him well in his future endeavours.

Big Big Train will continue with the seven-piece line-up of D’Virgilio / Gregory / Hall / Longdon / Manners / Sjöblom / Spawton alongside the five-piece BBT brass band led by Dave Desmond.

For future live performance, the band has recruited an additional musician to assist with keyboard and guitar work. We will announce details in due course.

We also hope to announce a UK warm-up show for our July 13th Night of the Prog festival appearance at Loreley. We expect the warm-up show to take place on July 11th.

Best wishes

Danny, Dave, David, Greg, Nick, Rachel and Rikard »

Musiciens : Danny Manners, David Longdon, Rikard Sjöblom, Nick D’Virgilio, Dave Gregory, Rachel Hall, Greg Spawton.

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